Best Meditation Tips To Calm Your Mind with Ariana Fotinakis - Business Consultant for Wellness Professionals - S02E09

Best Meditation Tips To Calm Your Mind with Ariana Fotinakis - Business Consultant for Wellness Professionals - S02E09 - CoachMe Podcast

In today’s episode I’m talking with Ariana Fotinakis about the ‘Best Meditation Tips To Calm Your Mind’.

In addition to our amazing Featured CoachMe Coaches, we also have guests on the show this season who are experts and topic enthusiasts on specific areas of personal and professional development that will support your growth journey even more.

Ariana is a Business Consultant for Wellness Professionals, Breathwork Practitioner, and Community Facilitator. After struggling with addiction for over 10 years, she turned her life around by first focusing on her health, and then by focusing on serving others. She now works with women in a variety of capacities from fitness to business, helping them strengthen their connections to their inner guidance systems so they can confidently take action towards big scary goals.

Meditation or aspects of it, like visualisations and breathing, are often used for or in-between coaching sessions to calm and centre the mind, and to deepen and focus on a particular experience.

I was curious to find out more about the benefits of meditation, best practices, how to get started, and even how to up my meditation game.

I’m very grateful Ariana shared all her expertise, experience, and enthusiasm for the topic and even talked us through a meditation.

Resources mentioned during the podcast:

Connect With Ariana:


Quotes: “When we can actually start to remove ourselves from that state of stress it allows the body to come back into balance.”

“What I am passionate about is the ability that we have to gain compassionate control over of our internal landscapes.”

“Meditation is the practice of noticing your thoughts, …it’s not necessarily the goal of achieving this quiet mind or achieving complete stillness inside your head, it is, …learning to focus your attention on something, noticing when your attention wanders, and then bringing it back to whatever you were focussing on, without any judgement.”

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