Goal Setting: Take Charge of Your 2020 Success with Ingrid Timmermans, Betty Lam and Emilia D’Aversa - S02E08

Goal Setting - Take Charge of Your 2020 Success with Ingrid Timmermans, Betty Lam and Emilia D’Aversa - S02E08 - CoachMe Podcast

CoachMe Podcast - Special Live Episode

Today, you’ll get to experience the 2nd of 2 live podcast episodes we recorded as part of our live event “Goal Setting, Feedback, Performance Reviews – How to Succeed in 2020!”.

The event featured a total of 5 coaches on 2 panels and a room filled with engaged attendees during 1 afternoon.

While we covered Performance Reviews and Feedback in our previous week, in today’s episode you’ll hear from our 2nd panel as we’re talking about “Goal Setting: Take Charge of Your 2020 Success” with our Featured Coaches:

  • Life “Makeover” Coach Betty Lam (CPCC, PCC)

  • Co-Active Life Coach Ingrid Timmermans

  • Personal Transformation Coach Emilia D’Aversa (CPCC)

  • As well as several audience members of the live event who participated in the interactive Q&A session.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

  • Why it is important to have a goal in the first place?

  • When goals and New Year’s resolutions don’t work.

  • If goal setting is a seasonal thing.

  • What needs to happen before goal setting?

  • What makes a great goal and what are different approaches?

  • How you know if you are actually ready to take on a particular goal.

  • Several ways to lock in the commitment to achieve your goals, to stay accountable, and get support throughout.

Together with Betty, Emilia, and Ingrid, we’ve created a resource document with different Goal Setting approaches for you to try out.

The content was part of the Event Playbook available to attendees of the live event. And we refer to it during the recording.

Click below to download your complimentary copy of the resource document.

Let’s listen to this week’s episode of the CoachMe Podcast!

CoachMe. Listen. Connect. Thrive.