From Drain to Gain: Create a positive Money Mindset in 4 Practical Steps

Moms, take a moment to invest in yourself with this money mindset eBook for less stress, more confidence and joy. Shift to a positive money mindset so you can say ‘bye bye’ to money worries and get started on your financial goals for you and your family.

Written by Nadine Stille, who coaches moms with careers to ditch their daily grind and bring more joy into their lives.

Let’s talk about you and money!  

Do you often feel stressed or guilty when it comes to money? 

Do you avoid talking about money or asking for a salary raise? 

Do you work hard and are frustrated with the state of your finances? 

Do you want to start making more money but you don’t feel confident as your relationship with your finances is, well, … ‘complicated’?

If you said ‘yes’ to any of the above, you’re not alone.

“... money remains the top source of stress (40%) – even more than personal health (23%), relationships (17%) and work (16%) – for the sixth year.” (Source)

If you said ‘yes’ to any of the above, you’re also at the right place. 

Reading  through this Positive Money Mindset book you’ll:

Making money is not a thing that you do. It’s a skill that you learn.
— Naval Ravikant
  • Feel more confident and at ease about money by working through the money mindset tips and money mindset exercises 

  • Discover what’s been holding you back from a positive relationship with your finances

  • Learn how to shift your money mindset for more financial wellness and joy in your life

Your ultimate money goals

I see you. 

You want more in your life - for you and your family. There’s debt that needs to be paid off, daily life to be handled, a rainy day fund that needs setting up, a retirement plan to think of, savings for your kids’ education, a home, and fun things like vacations. 

Why shift your money mindset and not tell you how to make money? 

If it was as easy as following a step by step guide on how to make lots of money, stick to a budget, or pay off your credit card debt, then you likely might have put steps in place to do that. 

Our mind is powerful. 

What and how we think about a particular change, influences our feelings about it, which in turn influences our behaviors. And the longer we behave a certain way, the more it’ll become a habit and lifestyle. 

So, to overcome negative emotions and behaviors around money, we have to create a healthy and positive money mindset first.  

Whether you think you can or you can’t - you’re right.
— Henry Ford
From drain to gain - Create a positive Money Mindset  in 4 Practical Steps - positive Money Mindset ebook - Nadine Stille

Let’s start with some positive facts about women, moms, and money

Let’s start with some positive facts about you and money. 

Did you know for instance that?

  • Women are increasingly likely to be the primary bread-winner, financial contributor and head of household, making 85% of day-to-day spending decisions and 80% of healthcare spending decisions for the family? (Source)

  • Women are great investors and consistently outperform men by 40 basis points? (Source)

  • 88% of surveyed Millennial Moms are managing their household finances in some way, with 47% of them largely responsible for all spending? (Source)

To change your behavior for good, you need to start believing new things about yourself.
— James Clear

Mama, you are already powerful! 

From drain to gain - Create a positive Money Mindset  in 4 Practical Steps - positive Money Mindset ebook - Nadine Stille

Just imagine what’s possible when you’re fully confident with your positive money mindset!

And there’s room for you to grow. 

Let’s work on those positive money mindsets now.



The eBook is great to read and work through while sipping your favourite beverage; on your own, with a partner or your mom-friends.

Summing It up

You have to want your dreams more than you want your drama.
— Jen Sincero

Changing your money mindset for more financial wellness doesn’t have to be a massive uphill battle. But it takes some dedication to get clear on what’s been holding you back, unlearn, and go after what you want. 

Start reading your money mindset ebook to for 4 practical ways to shift your mindset, reduce your money stress levels, and increase your confidence.

And if, at the end of working through the book, you're feeling the pull to go deeper and discover what's possible for you, then you’ll also find an invitation at the end of the book for you.

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