Mom Village: How to make mom friends near me and create a support network?

‘How do I make local mom friends?’ It can be lonely as a new mom or mom new to the neighborhood. Here are 15+ tips and strategies for finding your mom village and making mom friends. Includes a special section for introvert moms who want to create their support network.

Written by Nadine Stille, who coaches moms with careers to ditch their daily grind and bring more joy into their lives.

Mom Village How to make mom friends near me and create a support network - Nadine Stille - Coach for Moms

Do you want more mom friends? 

Do you find it difficult to find other mom friends and then reach out to them? 

Are you a mom and lonely? 

Do you hardly ever have the time or the energy to make mom friends? 

Did you ever get along with other moms while out on the playground only to later wish you’d asked them for their phone number so you could meet up again?

It’s hard making mom friends, isn't’ it. 

While we tackle motherhood, life, and everything else, not having supportive connections and relationships in our lives can make us feel anxious and stressed. 

And it’s still sooo important for our physical and mental wellbeing that we have mom friends and actually an entire mom village around us.

Further Reading: 20 Creative And Fun Date Ideas For Mom Friends To Try Out

What is a mom village?

A mom village is our own curated support network. Everyone in it is there to support each other in some way so it’s mutually beneficial. 

It’s not so much about having lots of people in it, it’s more about having people as part of your network who are sure to have each others back and rather energize you than drain you when they are around. 

A mom village consists of mom friends and a lot more.

Apart from moms, who else can be in my mom village?

Keep your options and mind open.

Who would be good options for you? This is a very personal choice and, of course, also depends on your circumstances, where you live, etc. 

Here are some ideas:  

  • Neighbors

  • Teens or elderly couple down the road

  • Parents with much younger/ older kids

  • People with no kids

  • Family members 

  • Friends

  • People who have the same hobbies, interests, or passions than you

  • An online community or podcast

  • A company-internal parent employee resource group at your work

  • A coach - (Hey, check out how I can help you!)

So, how do I find mom friends near me and add them to my support network?

Well, there’s no way around it. You have to put yourself out there. 

This can either be a very active approach or a more moderate one but you have to make a step.

Below are some ways you can take to be a driver in making lots of mom connections. And there are also tips for you moms out there who’d take a more measured approach to meeting other moms.

Know that most moms likely find themselves in a similar situation as you and feel grateful for having been asked and that you’ve taken a first step.

Are there any easy ways to start making mom friends near me? 

Yes! And it depends on your definition of easy, so it’s all relative. 

Check out the 15+ suggestions below and give them a try to connect with moms in your area.

There’s an app for moms to meet other moms

You might be a wifi connection away from a mom friend. 

There are several apps that make it easier to make mom friends. Probably the most well known one is the PeanutApp. Others to check out include MomLife and Hello Mamas.

Local, in-person mom groups

How do you find in-person mom groups in your area? 

Start asking around and contact your local healthcare services, a midwife team, or doula. They usually have information who hosts a mom or new parent group, or they might even host groups themselves. 

Also search for groups on or Facebook, and keep an eye out for posters and information on notice boards at doctors offices, community centers, playgrounds, and cafes.

More activity groups and occasions to make mom friends

Ready to get moving? Get your phone or laptop ready and start searching for any of these activity groups where parents-to-be or parents hang out, and so make it easier to start a conversation over the activity itself that you have a shared interest in. 

  • Activity classes for kids including Storytime at the local library, gym time, music and rhyme classes, ballet, soccer, and and and

  • Parent and baby or parent and tot workout classes 

  • Parks and playgrounds

  • In person birth prep classes

How do you make mom friends when you’re shy or an introvert?

It can be quite intimidating looking for mom friends when you’re shy, an introvert, or when your confidence levels need a bit of a boost. 

Try these strategies here: 

  • Instead of initiating, react to someone’s ask for friends.

  • Meet one person at a time instead of going into a group setting. 

  • If you’re in a group setting, arrive early and greet one new person at a time as they join the group. 

  • Start with a ‘safe’ person, someone you already know and who you already have some sort of relationship with, i.e. a friendly neighbor who you say ‘hello’ to all the time and you’d like to take the conversation further or an old school friend or even cousin you’d like to reconnect with. 

  • Seize on easy opportunities. For instance when your kids are playing with each other at a park and you like the parent, ask them: “This has been fun for my little one and me. Would you like to hang out again here next week at the same time?”

  • Reach out to old friends who are now moms and see if they’d like to reconnect over a coffee.

Want to take the reins into your own hand and create your mom village?

If you’re full of confidence and are ready to rock your mom village, then these ideas here are for you. Create your own:

  • MeetUp or Facebook group

  • WhatsApp messaging group chat for parents are your school, daycare, playgroup, activity session etc.

  • Social Media post in a FB group or on your social profiles asking if other moms would like to hang out or meet up  

  • Event like I did with my co-organizer Koryn Heisler - in-person ‘Moms Meeting Moms’  event series specifically to make it easier to for moms to make mom friends

It takes a village to raise a child and you, the mom. 

You’re not meant to go through this motherhood journey alone. There’s lots to learn and not one motherhood guidebook that works for everyone. 

Go and create your nourishing mom village. 

Be courageous and show up for yourself, taking big leaps or tiny baby steps. Whatever feels best to you, and gets you the support network you need.

By the way: Mama, do you find it tough to ask for help?

Get my free ‘Step By Step Guide: How To Ask For Help As An Overwhelmed Mom’ and join my mom newsletter community at the same time.