It's ok to hide in the bathroom. 3 quick tips for overwhelmed moms.
If you’re an overwhelmed mom, chances are you’ve been hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes of calm at some stage. Check out my 3 quick tips to help you along while you’re seeking refuge from your busy mom life.
Written by Nadine Stille, who coaches moms with careers to ditch their daily grind and bring more joy into their lives.
Ok, first things first.
It’s not just overwhelmed moms who hide in bathrooms and lock the door behind them. Whenever I’ve brought up the topic with my female friends, some of them mothers and others not, it resonated deeply.
We shared stories of when and where - including relentless stressful situations at home, ahead of a performance review, during an event or social gathering, or simply when the noise around us got to much and we’ve been seeking a quiet refuge for a mental and emotional break.
Related reading:
Mama’s Moments Of Calm - 3 Pocket-Sized Guided Meditations For Exhausted Moms Trying To Do It All
Reflecting on the topic, Arcelia Ocana, mama of a 3-year old and Creative Project Manager in Vancouver, B.C.,Canada, says:
“Well, it’s not that I can actually hide. Everyone knows I'm in the bathroom. But the bathroom gives me that private space where I cannot be bothered. And usually I just want a quick break with some me-time to reset.”
She also shared that “I can just sit and do a quick 2 minute breathing exercise, or simply wash my hands or face, and add some moisturizer.”
And when Arcelia has a few longer moments to hide in the bathroom, this mom goes fully in:
“I light an aromatic candle or incense stick. Sometimes we have some clothes hanging there to dry and the smell of those clothes is very soothing.
But I guess the most important part is the actual toilet seat. That seat is only for you to sit on by yourself. That's your seat, your time, your moment!”, she jokes before adding that she also has “a nice carpet on the bathroom floor that makes it feel cozy.”
It's ok to hide in the bathroom. 3 quick tips for overwhelmed moms.
My tips can be used at home, when you’re at work, or even out and about.
Here we go!
Tip 1: Acknowledge
Acknowledge that things are tough right now AND that you’re doing your best.
Taking a moment (or two, or three) for yourself means you’re resourceful as you realize that this moment is essential for your wellbeing - and in extension for your family’s too.
Tip 2: Nurture
Be compassionate with yourself. Treat yourself like you would care for your best friend, and let go of things you ‘should know/do/ feel’.
What’s the most loving thing you can say to yourself in this situation?
Answer that question, then give yourself an encouraging smile in the mirror.
Tip 3: Soothe
Engage your senses to mindfully bring your thoughts away from the stress and focus on something more calming, grounding, and soothing.
Here are a few examples for you to try out to turn a bathroom into a calming oasis. Pick and choose depending on what’s possible for you, and whether you’re hiding in the bathroom in your home, at work, or elsewhere.
Dim the lights, light a candle, or switch on some fairy lights.
Surround yourself with colors and patterns you’d usually find beneficial. So, if you normally seek out calm, then go for muted colors and patterns. If you’d rather need something more uplifting and energizing, then go for bright colors and lots of patterns.
Read inspiring and positive affirmations. You can find your favorite affirmations for stressed out moms here, and print free affirmation cards to either tape on your mirror or have a stack readily available for when you need them.
Get a comfortable rug or cushion and sit down to rest.
Pop on a cozy bathrobe and snuggle in. This even works if you wear it on top of your regular clothes.
Clean and hydrate your face, or use a mask if you have more time. That simple routine can work wonders, and so does a hot shower or bath for when you’re in the bathroom a bit longer.
Get a scented candle, have your favorite perfume at hand, or facial creams, body oil and essential oils, or even room sprays that calm and lift your spirits.
Snack on your favorite treats or healthy alternatives that you keep hidden away just for you and for your hiding-away-in-the-bathroom moments.
On the other hand, you might find brushing your teeth or chewing gum a better alternative to engage your taste buds.
Bring your phone and a headset, then listen to a calming playlist or Mama’s Moments Of Calm, my 2 minute guided meditations for exhausted moms trying to do it all. To get your calm moments directly into your inbox as free downloads, CLICK HERE.
So, here’s what you need to know about hiding in the bathroom as a mom
Hiding in the bathroom is very common, even when you’re not a mother. When you need an emotional or mental break, these 3 quick tips are solid strategies for in-the-moment:
Recognize what’s going on, be compassionate and kind with your mind, then engage your senses for a few calm moments away from your busy mom life.
You’ve got this, Mama!
P.S. If this blog resonates with you, would you be open to sharing it with a mom friend so they get to enjoy it too? Thank you!