Mom Work/Life Balance or Work/Life Integration - Why it matters and what to do.

Mom WorkLife Balance or WorkLife Integration Why it matters and what to do - Nadine Stille - mom drinks coffee while working on laptop with her toddler in her lap

When it comes to balancing or integrating the different areas of our busy mom lives, you need to know the implications of each approach and how to achieve it. Read on to set yourself up for success and avoid additional stressors. 

Written by Nadine Stille, who coaches moms with careers to ditch their daily grind and bring more joy into their lives.

Are you balancing, integrating, or simply juggling all the balls of motherhood, career, family life, relationships, hobbies, and hopefully also Me-Time?

Do you ever get stressed trying to do it all? 

In this article, I’ll shine a light on the difference between Work/Life Balance and Work/Life Integration, and show you what’s essential to make either happen.

But first of all…

Why does it matter?

Mom WorkLife Balance or WorkLife Integration Why it matters and what to do_Nadine Stille_mother and daughter balancing

If you don’t know what you’re aiming for, it’s difficult to know how to achieve it, and know when you’ve achieved it.

There are distinct differences between either approach and one or the other might not suit or work for you. 

Further Reading

8 Essential Mom Hacks To Make Time for Your Self Care

What is Work/ Life Balance?

The US Chamber of Commerce puts it this way: “Work-life balance involves having your work life and personal life coexist, but each thrives separately. 

Employees maintain firm boundaries between home and office, allowing them to devote their full attention to each at a given time.

This approach is ideal for moms who do not want any overlap, and know that they can and need to be fully present when at work, close the work chapter once work’s done for the day, and then be in full motherhood and parenting mode. 

Mom WorkLife Balance or WorkLife Integration Why it matters and what to do_Nadine Stille_mother and daughter on the phone

There’s no interference between one and the other.

Are there any drawbacks to Work/Life Balance?

'Work-life balance' is such a buzzy phrase these days, especially for working mothers. The problem is that it implies you can 'do it all,' and that juggling a perfect balancing act of separate work and personal life is a goal that's somehow achievable”, says Cherie Hoeger, who’s not a fan of the approach.

We think it looks like a balanced day of equal parts allocated to work and family, when the reality looks more like a toddler pulling out the contents of a nearby cupboard as you work to meet a deadline or trying to look put together on Zoom with a baby nursing just out of frame.

What is Work/ Life Integration?

Work/Life Integration “blends work and personal life and centers on doing less—but better.” argues Cherie Hoeger. When integrating all sides of your life, you create more of a flow or put all the different puzzle pieces of your daily life together. 

Depending on what works for you and when, each day might look slightly different for instance with regards to your working hours and times. You have flexibility to decide how and when to blend what aspects of your life with more personal authority.

Are there any drawbacks to Work/Life Integration?

With no, or poorly set, expectations and boundaries for yourself, your employer, colleagues, and your family, the integration approach could become an issue. 

So, as long as you’re clear who can expect what and when under which circumstances, then the pros for Work/Life Integration might outweigh the balancing act of the Work/Life Balance approach.

Mom WorkLife Balance or WorkLife Integration Why it matters and what to do_Nadine Stille_mother and baby working from a coffee shop

Is Work/Life Balance or Work/Life Integration better for you?

There’s no right or wrong here. It depends on what works for you.

You may not like the black and white of work and life on either side of the work/life balance seesaw, or you find the fluid integration of work into your evening, when the kids are asleep, not ideal.

And sometimes, the choice is limited depending on the type of work you do and life circumstances. 

Whatever you go for, it’s important to know:

  • what you want to achieve, 

  • the reason for it, 

  • and a few ways to make it work best for you. 

5 Strategies to Make Work/Life Balance and Work/Life Integration Work

Mom WorkLife Balance or WorkLife Integration Why it matters and what to do_Nadine Stille_moms and daughters
  1. Get in the right mindset. You’re in for a marathon, not a sprint. That means practice, training, adjusting with realistic expectations, trying things out, and going for it.

  2. Practice self-kindness. Be patient with yourself (and others) and cut yourself some slack while you figure out what works best for you and how.

  3. Set expectations and boundaries. Get clarity about what you want and truly need (i.e. simplify and make a top 3 list), the reasons for the items to be on the top 3 list (as this’ll keep you on track later), and communicate them with everyone involved.

  4. Stop doing <fill in the gap>. Carve out some time by dropping the ball. See what happens when you don’t go to the hairdresser every few weeks, fold all your clothes nicely, cook a new meal each day.

  5. Be mindful and present. Wherever you are - in a personal or a professional environment - be fully ‘there’. 

So, Moms. Will it be Work/Life Balance or Work/Life Integration for you? 

Only you can decide if balancing or integrating is the best option for you. Either way, be clear on what you want to achieve, make a plan, communicate it, and start setting it in motion. Adjust where and when needed, and don’t forget to be kind to yourself in the process. 

If you’d like to talk things through with me 1:1, LET’S CONNECT. 

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