Nadine Stille - Coaching & Consulting

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Exhausted Mom? 5 Ways to Boost Your Body's Energy Levels.

If you’re an exhausted mom and would like energizing tips to combat your fatigue and find out how to stop feeling tired, these 5 energy solutions will help you get your energy back.

Written by Nadine Stille, who coaches moms with careers to ditch their daily grind and bring more joy into their lives.

How can I increase my energy levels quickly?” 

If you’re an exhausted mom and you’re looking for ways to re-energize your body then please read on.

Being a mom can definitely be tiring and relentless. Top this up with other stressors like lack of sleep, worrying, society’s expectations and lack of support, or a career, and it’s no wonder many moms feel absolutely exhausted.

Here, I’m concentrating on how to support your body. There’ll be a second article published on other energy draining aspects of our “mom lives” and how to combat those. Sign up to my newsletter to get it once it’s available.

Some of the energy boosts listed here are short and quick hacks; simple ways to boost your energy levels. Others need a bit more time and commitment. All of them will recharge your body’s energy levels though.

I’ll walk you through why I chose each of these 5 energy tips and how to start incorporating them into your busy mom life.

Ready? Great!

Moms, here are your 5 ways to boost your body's energy levels

1.Make Breakfast Work For You (time investment: 10-15 minutes a day)

Make the most of your early morning. I get it, the main focus in the morning is mainly to get everyone up, dressed, and out of the home in time for whatever the day holds for us busy moms. Often a healthy breakfast is off the table completely, and we resort to a quick bite of a sweet pastry, or munching on some corn flakes. 

Having a healthy, filling breakfast can make all the difference though.


A good breakfast fuels your brain and your body!

Other benefits include: 

  • Energy levels remain high and stable for longer

  • Avoid slumps coming off too much caffeine or sugar

  • Snack less throughout the day

  • Better concentration

  • Mood levels remain stable, and the list goes on.

Studies have shown the importance of replenishing your energy stores after fasting throughout the night, and setting yourself up for the rest of the day by giving your body what it needs to function at its best. 

How to get started with an energy boosting breakfast?

  • As time is tight in the morning, set aside your breakfast choice or even prep the night before. A meal plan for the week can also work a treat as they take the guesswork and mental load off. 

  • Reflect on which activities you can skip, shorten, or change to make time for breakfast.

  • Opt for a combination of foods that include protein (eggs, milk, yogurt, nut butters-if you’re not allergic) and carbs (like brown breads, oats, whole grain cereals, fresh fruit).

  • Try making breakfast together a part of your morning routine and start noticing the impact it has on the rest of your day.

Please be food smart and only consume food and drinks that you are not allergic to. Consult a medical expert if you’re unsure about any nutrition changes. 

2.Take Steps To Get Fit (time investment: start at 30 minutes a week)

It's important to see fitness, working out, and physical activity as a way of life.” said Michelle Caira, Founder of Vivi Rocks, a membership platform for female fitness, when I checked in with her about boosting energy levels for exhausted moms. 

Working in female health since 2010, as a Master Certified Personal Trainer, meant that she was talking about periods, energy levels, tracking menstrual cycles, postpartum ailments, and everything in between. Michelle has extensive experience training moms, some of whom are starting from scratch and have never done any workouts, or have very minimal fitness experience. 

And, as a mom herself, she can also relate to her clients on a personal level.

I wanted to get the nitty gritty right out of the way, and first asked her how much time is needed, and when can exhausted moms expect to feel more energized in their bodies.  

If you're starting from point zero (you currently do no specific fitness/physical activity), then you should aim to build this up from 30 minutes week 1, 45 minutes week 2, 60 minutes week 3, and so on, until you get to the recommended weekly amount of 150 minutes. 

Within that 150 minutes we're looking at moderate intensity - so you're doing something that is getting your heart rate increased and a little bit of a sweat on! 

You'll be able to have a short conversation with someone. It would be very good to include some strength and resistance training in that time too - so perhaps start lifting some free weights!

And when do you get the energy boosting benefits and feel less tired? 

To feel the energy boost - this is easy to answer! You get an immediate rush of "happy hormones" immediately after a fitness session. It's unbelievable how quickly you get that amazing "wow" buzz.”

Good news! Right? We need all the happy hormones!

Michelle adds: “But, to be honest, initially you might also feel tired a few hours later. This makes sense. Your body naturally reacts with dopamine hits after working out, but obviously you're maybe not used to this so later in the day you're a bit tired. This will change the more frequently you're working out - you'll get the "wow" without the "woah".

To get started and boost your body's energy levels, Michelle recommends her top 3 exercises and explains why to start with these:

1. Inch Worm Touches (video demo 0:44)

“My number 1 fav exercise! It can be low key, low impact, but can also be jazzed up to be part of a full on high-intensity interval training (HIIT).”

2. Skater Kicks (video demo 1:31)

This is a great exercise as it can progress from super low impact to higher impact - and it is really hitting the cardio zone.” 

3. Rainbow Planks (video demo 2:48)

This exercise targets the core, abs, lower back, and also the arms. It's a dynamic plank and I prefer it to the original plank purely as it has a bit of movement. This can be done with the upper body elevated against a bench/table so that those who are complete beginners can start from an elevated/easier point then gradually make their way to the floor, as their upper body strength increases.

As busy and tired moms, we may not be able to set aside time for sweat inducing, hour-long workouts. Any tips? I ask Michelle

“You can incorporate all of these exercises at any time during the day - when you're in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, when you're hanging out with your baby, when you're out at the park - and the rainbow plank is perfect when you're looking for a mat based exercise that is low intensity and low impact. The Inch Worm Touches can be done as a stretchy, low impact exercise too - I just love it!

If you do want to set more time aside for energy boosting work-outs, the best times might be, either as an extension to your paid work day (either before or right after), or during a lunch break. 

** Further Reading **

8 Essential Mom Hacks To Make Time For Self Care

3.Hydrate Hydrate, Hydrate (time investment: several minutes a day)

Hydration is critical.”, says Michelle Caira (Vivi Rocks) when I asked her about the importance of drinking water as a means to boost energy levels. “Very often we forget to drink anything as we go about our day to day things. We reach for fluids when we realize we're thirsty, when in fact we should be trying to keep the body topped up throughout the day.” 

The good news though, is that it's easy to create this habit! 

Michelle recommends  “grab your phone and set up an alarm for, let's say, 9am, and add a snooze function to that alarm of 60 minutes. At 9am the first alarm goes off, you hit snooze, and it snoozes for 1 hour. Every time the alarm rings, you drink a glass of water.” 

You can start off with a small glass room temperature water, then gradually increase the size of the glass, if necessary. 

So, what’s the best drink to hydrate with?

The best ways to hydrate would be to stick to water or any of these suggestions: milk (non dairy milks have not been widely tested, so I can't comment); flavored water; some fruit juices (high content of fruit); coconut water; caffeine free tea and coffee; watermelon, cucumber; some hydrating sport drinks.” 

Anything to look out for?

There would be a small caution around any drinks that contain high levels of caffeine as caffeine is considered a hydration zapper!” Michelle mentioned “Everything in moderation!

And how much do we, moms specifically, need to drink to get re-energized?

There used to be a target of 8 glasses of water per day - but that has been challenged on so many occasions, it's best to take each person on their own journey.” 

Here’s Michelle’s take on what to consider when looking into how much hydration you need.

  • Do you live in a hot climate? Drink more! 

  • Are you breastfeeding? Drink more! 

  • Are you doing high intensity training? Drink more! 

  • Are you forgetting to drink during the day? Drink more! 

  • And so on. 

Our body consists of 60% water. That needs regular topping up to keep our energy levels at optimum, and keep us physically and mentally fit. 

Look at your lifestyle and start to track how much you're currently drinking. If it's not so much, then start increasing a little more every day.” Michelle encourages.  

“A huge water bottle with marks noting how much you should be drinking per hour/day - seem to be popular, but aren't really necessary - just do the alarm trick to get you creating a habit.” 

4.Make Sleep A Priority (time investment: 7-9 hours a day)

I know this is a tough one for us exhausted moms. It’s especially true when you’ve got young kids, are stressed out or worried, you’ve got your period, are menopausal, or pregnant, and there’s just lots going on. All of these are reasons why women need more sleep.

On average, data shows we seem to be getting a bit more sleep than men. However, women get  lower quality, less restful sleep, as we wake frequently and have nap-style sleeps, rather than have longer stretches of uninterrupted sleep. Sleeping the recommended 7-9 hours a day in one stretch would make us moms feel more rested and leave our body recovered and energized for the day ahead. 

Prioritizing your own sleep helps you have the energy to care for your new child, so learning what works best for you and your child is key.”, according to Sleep Foundation.

Here are 4 sleep tips to boost your body’s energy levels:

  • Nap when the kids sleep (I know, it’s easier said than done!)

  • Create a cool, quite, and dark sleep environment

  • Say no to tasks, chores, and activities while also saying yes to help, so you get time to sleep 

  • Avoid caffeine, electronics, and other stimulants before bed time

5.Let The Sunshine In (or natural light) (time investment: start with a few minutes a day)

Get outside and let natural light energize you. “Regular exposure to natural light has been shown to maintain higher energy levels in people suffering from fatigue.” according to The Healthy. Natural light helps us sleep (!), it improves our mood, and boosts our Vitamin D levels - all good for us! Oh, and it improves our productivity! Wow!

So, a few minutes during the day can work wonders; the more the better.

And if you can combine outdoor time with a workout or physical activity with some upbeat friends then you’re reaping the benefits from 3 mood and energy boosters. 

So, what about kicking the ball around in the park with your kids, cycling to the cafe or store, or going for a lunchtime walk with your work bestie? 

Be sun smart and don’t forget your sunscreen and protective clothing. 

Please note, if you’ve been seriously fatigued for a while, I’d encourage you to seek out a medical check up.

We moms get to have the check ups throughout pregnancies and shortly after, and then all the attention is on the kids health with not much attention for our own wellbeing. Sometimes, it may still be our hormones that are out of whack, or our iron levels are low. If you can, get a check up or blood test scheduled, then go from there.

Knowledge is power. Please don’t self-medicate, always consult with a medical professional first.

Important to consider:

I know that when you’re an exhausted mom, doing anything more can seem daunting - even if it’s an investment to boost your body's energy levels.

Please know that you don’t have to implement all of these energizing hacks at the same time and to the full measure. 

Here are some questions to reflect on for making these changes:

  • What if it was easy?

  • What if it was fun?

  • What would your life be like if, rather than being tired all the time, you feel replenished and energized? 

  • Which tip speaks to you most? Why?

  • What’s something teeny tiny that you can start with today?

My wish for you is to create a life that’s full of energy, so you get to enjoy life and savor all it’s got to offer. 

If you’d like to explore how to make that happen with me, check out how to WORK WITH ME.

For more nurturing self care tips for moms, re-energizing wellbeing tips, career insights, and upcoming events and offers, please join my newsletter community.

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