Nadine Stille - Coaching & Consulting

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55 Positive Affirmations for Busy Moms to Feel Less Stress and More Joy

Positive Affirmations are powerful, motivational self-care tools busy moms can use to become a more confident mom for overall mental wellbeing and happiness. FREE printable Affirmation Cards pdf to download.

Written by Nadine Stille Life and Career Coach for moms who want to ditch their daily grind and go after what they really want. This is a republished, updated blog based on an earlier version from 2022.

Positive Affirmations helped me give birth… and throughout my postpartum period.

As a first-time and new mom, I found the initial few months of pregnancy stressful for fear of another miscarriage, and then the early part of my 2nd trimester stressful because I was terrified of giving birth. 

I then discovered hypnobirthing techniques as a way to prepare for labour. Within days of going through the training course, I felt at ease, a sense of calm, and started enjoying my pregnancy. 

Apart from equipping myself with knowledge about the birth (which was integral), the other course content was about working on my mindset. 

Positive affirmations, once or twice a day, were powerful and essential to grounding me in calm, and building up my resilience to have a wonderful rest of the pregnancy, birth, and beyond. 

Self-Affirmations have not only helped me personally throughout my life, but I’ve also seen the power they have on moms in my network. 

In this article I’ll cover what affirmations are, how they work, how best to use them, examples, and how to effectively create your own self-affirmations.  

What are Positive Affirmations and how do they work?

Have you ever told yourself “I can do this” in the mirror to motivate yourself before going into a difficult conversation with someone, or “This’ll be fun” to reinforce a positive atmosphere? 

Well, if yes, then you’ve used Positive Affirmations before.

Affirmations, sometimes also referred to as Mantras, are short, positive statements and phrases that, when practiced regularly over time, rewire our thinking patterns to replace or challenge potentially self-sabotaging, negative thoughts that hold us back with a more constructive and affirming way of thinking.

Several Studies have shown positive effects on brain activities and behavioral changes when Positive Affirmations are being used. This article by the Washington Post mentions that “...psychologists and researchers who have examined self-affirmation say numerous studies have found that affirming yourself can produce wide-ranging benefits, including stress-buffering effects.

They go on to mention that: “This is about accurately and authentically encouraging yourself or using words of encouragement or acknowledgment that are consistent with your truth.”

As exhausted and tired moms from yet another night of not enough sleep, unhelpful and negative thoughts might creep in easier. 

One way of addressing this negative spiral of negative thinking patterns is by dialing up self-love and compassion for ourselves. Affirmations are one wonderful way of doing this.

When and how best to use affirmations?

Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”- Roy T. Bennett

There are lots of different reasons why people start to use Positive Affirmations. The main trigger might be that current ways of thinking are not actually working out for them and they want to think in a more constructive and positive way, or to influence a positive change and outcome working towards a goal, or to become less stressed, more self-confident, and happier.

Affirmations are a wonderful way to motivate ourselves and can act like a mini pep-talk - ideal for us busy moms who want to feel less stress, and instead, more joy!

The most effective way to use Positive Affirmations is by saying them out loud – and say them like you mean them!

Make them part of your daily routine. For instance, setting a positive intention for what’s ahead right when you get up: “I am capable of confidently handling everything this day will bring.”

Decide how you can have access to them regularly. Some people have them on their phone, use them as a screensaver, craft Positive Affirmation cards, or simply write them on a notepad or in their journal.

“The power of affirmations lies in repeating them to yourself regularly. It's useful to recite your affirmations several times a day (have them pop up in your notifications!). You also need to repeat your affirmations as soon as you engage in the negative thought or behavior that you want to overcome.” - Mindtools

As I coach Moms to feel less stress and more joy while balancing Me-Time, Family Life, and their Careers, affirmations are often an option, a tool really, to help reaffirm what my clients want to achieve. We’ll then define which affirmations will likely have the biggest impact, and co-create a plan for when and often to use them.

However, you absolutely can start right away at home too, see what resonates, and start repeating the words or phrases once or twice a day, and whenever needed.

Your Positive Affirmations for Busy moms to feel less stress and more joy

I’ve created this list in the hope that they are inspirational, motivating, and will help you feel less stress and more joy as a busy mom, a new mom, single mom, first time mom, still-pregnant mom, or a mom with years of experience, or, or, or.

You may find that you deeply resonate and connect with only a select few - and that is absolutely ok. They work best when they are personal to us and our individual needs. 

To make it all as easy as possible for you, you can also download your free printable affirmation cards pdf here as part of the Nurture Mama bundle:

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  1. I am a good mom.

  2. I breathe out stress and breathe in calm.

  3. Joy is within me.

  4. I can and I will overcome the challenges I’ll encounter.

  5. Today, I’ll seek out calm and joy.

  6. I am in love with myself.

  7. I’m positively ‘flawsome’.

  8. I am enough.

  9. I’m compassionate with myself, especially when I’m tired.

  10. I am patient with myself.

  11. I welcome good things in my life.

  12. My quirks make me me.

  13. I am kick-ass!

  14. I deserve all the love, kindness, and care - simply because!

  15. Today, I choose me.

  16. I am doing my best.

  17. Energy is flowing through me.

  18. I’m in charge of my mind.

  19. Every day, I feel calmer and more relaxed.

  20. I know how to do this.

  21. All I need is within me.

  22. I am kind to my mind.

  23. Joy comes easily to me.

  24. My mind, my soul, my body are calm and rested.

  25. I am at ease and at peace.

  26. My days are filled with happiness and joy.

  27. I embody strength.

  28. I am in charge.

  29. I believe in myself.

  30. I am the person I want to be.

  31. I embrace my inner joyful child.

  32. I am care-free and joy-full.

  33. I let go of everything that doesn’t contribute to my happiness.

  34. I am strong.

  35. I choose to be happy.

  36. I have the power to choose my thoughts and actions.

  37. Today, I am filled with goodness.

  38. Even when things are tough, I believe in myself.

  39. I am magical.

  40. I nurture my mind, body, and soul.

  41. I know that saying ‘no’ is ok.

  42. I am courageous to ask for what I need.

  43. I am grateful for the gifts in my life.

  44. I am filled with love.

  45. Today, I have an abundance of energy.

  46. I am worthy of all the good things.

  47. I deserve to rest.

  48. Taking care of my wellbeing is my priority.

  49. I love being perfectly imperfect.

  50. I have the power and will to create the life I long for.

  51. I choose peace.

  52. I am calm, confident, and content.

  53. I am grateful to experience simple delights. 

  54. Today will be a good day.

  55. I free myself from stress and choose to be happy.

How can I create my own Positive Affirmations and what are some examples?

There are so many different affirmations available but they need to work for you in order for them to have the biggest impact. 

One of the best ways to tailor affirmations to you, your personal goals, and your situation, is to come up with your own set. 

These questions here may help you reflect and determine your own Affirmations:

  • What impact does the current situation have on you?

  • How do you feel as a busy mom or as… ? How do you want to feel? 

  • What do you want your best version of you to be like?

Brainstorm answers and write them all down without censoring yourself. Once you’ve got several options, look for a common theme, and decide if it makes sense to combine them.

Which ones deeply resonate with you, cause a strong reaction in you, and maybe even make it difficult to say out loud?

Revise and refine until you’ve got some that are powerful in their meaning to you.

Here are some suggestions for creating Positive Affirmations:

Your situation -> Your Positive Affirmation Example

  • I don’t deserve this -> I am enough. I deserve the best.

  • I am afraid -> I am strong.

  • It will never work out -> I can do this.

  • I’m stressed by everything that’s on my to-do list -> I choose to live in the present moment.

  • I feel like I must pretend -> I give myself permission to be me.

  • I feel like a loser -> I am kind to myself.

  • Everything keeps happening to me. I don’t have a choice. -> I am in charge.

Using Affirmations for others

Sometimes, it makes sense to use Positive Affirmations when you’re supporting someone you’d like to lift up and encourage, such as a relative who’s going through a difficult time, someone you mentor at work, or indeed while parenting.

Temitope Odeyale, a Vancouver based Information Security Analyst and mom, told me that she’s using Positive Affirmations with her daughter to help build her confidence. “When she is faced with difficult situations, those words ring in her memory and I believe she will be able to get through, drawing strength from those words.”

She adds, “I've also seen that most children who are privileged to have parents who speak positively to them, grow up to become more confident.” Temitope says the following affirmations to her daughter and lets her repeat them: “You're blessed. You're wise. You're smart and you can do anything.

When I asked Temitope about the effect she sees, she mentioned that her daughter recites the Positive Affirmation quotes even when she’s not present. “I believe when she keeps speaking those words, she will eventually become them. Words are powerful because they recreate our world.”

Me and my husband are using affirmations with our Little One and find that the expression of our love, wishes, and positive reinforcements bring us as parents joy too; calmly grounding us in the beauty of the present - even when we’re a busy parent.

Summarizing Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations are wonderful self-care tools that are quick, free, and easy to use - ideal for us busy moms who long to feel less stress and a lot more joy. 

Mama - I’d love to know which affirmations resonate most with you and how you’ll use them. Feel free to let me know in the comments.

Oh, and don’t forget to download your printable and free Affirmation cards right here as part of the Nurture Mama bundle: 

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