Nadine Stille - Coaching & Consulting

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Get your mojo back - 5 journaling questions for moms to rediscover your spark

Lost your mojo, mom? Want to rediscover yourself after motherhood? Let these inspiring journaling questions and 5 minute journal prompts for moms reignite your spark and joy for all that life has to offer.

Written by Nadine Stille

Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it can sometimes leave you feeling disconnected from the vibrant, passionate person you once were. If you’re feeling like you’ve lost your mojo, you’re not alone. 

The sense of losing your spark—your enthusiasm, confidence, and joy—can happen to many moms as they navigate the demands of parenting.

But what exactly does it mean to lose your mojo? And more importantly, how can you rediscover it? 

In this blog, we’ll explore the meaning of ‘mojo,’ why it sometimes slips away, and the challenges of getting it back to rediscover yourself after motherhood. You’ll also find five inspiring journaling questions and journal prompts for moms designed to help you reconnect with yourself and reignite the spark that makes life feel vibrant and full of possibilities. 

Let’s dive into the journey of reclaiming your mojo and embracing all that life has to offer, one journal entry at a time.

What’s the meaning of ‘mojo’? 

You probably used the word before and have heard others say it but what does ‘mojo’ actually mean? 

The word “mojo” has an African heritage and describes the magic and spells that generate luck and power. That’s why, when your mojo’s high, everything feels great. You’re confident, you’re at ease with yourself and you feel positive and motivated.’ (Source

Makes sense, right?

So, what does it then mean to lose your mojo?

Without your mojo or spark, you might feel like you’re just going through the motions of life, subscribe to the daily grind, and feel overall rather deflated with a lack of confidence, drive, energy, or passion. 

Side note that some of the symptoms can also be indicators for mental health challenges like depression and anxiety. Please seek out your medical healthcare provider for an assessment and support.  

Why have I lost my mojo?

I believe in the saying: ‘When a baby is born, a mother is born.

We step into a new role that we’re not trained for, not having a manual that works for all and each situation, and it's constantly evolving - from birth through to kids going to school and far beyond. 

As moms we are evolving and adjusting, and finding ways to incorporate our mom role with all the other roles we’re having - being a partner, a friend, a daughter, a neighbor, or employee. 

Being a mom means we’re adding another puzzle piece to who we’ve been and that changes the overall picture. 

It’s totally normal to not know who we are outside of being ‘Chloe’s mom’ or what the full puzzle now looks like and represents. 

It’s constantly evolving and with all the challenges of running your busy life, its easy to just go with it, being dragged into the daily grind, and ‘forgetting’ about you, what makes you you, what do you enjoy? 

For more, listen to my interview with Shannon Warner from Having A Mom Moment Podcast

Rediscovering You: Practical Tips to Get Your Spark Back w/ Nadine Stille

You’re not alone in this. 

If you feel like you’ve lost yourself in the demands of motherhood and all the other roles you’re taking on, you’re not alone. 

Talking with moms in my community and even reflecting on my own journey, I know that it’s a normal feeling to not know what you like or who you are anymore. 

However, just because it’s normal and it happens a lot, doesn’t mean that you have to accept the status quo, that you go along with it, and things remain the same. If you’re thinking there has to be more to ‘this’ or you’re sick and tired about the daily grind starting to think about ‘what ifs’ , then you’re in the right space. 

Getting your mojo back and rediscovering your spark is what it’s all about. 

Grab a big dose of self-compassion plus a tiny bit of courage, and embark on your own mojo discovery journey. 

Challenges to rediscover your mojo

You might think that getting your mojo back sounds intriguing but when it comes to actually doing it, you can name a couple of obstacles that might keep you from getting started. 

Right? Challenges that sound like: 

Where and how would you even start? What’s the ‘right’ way of getting your mojo back? 

You might not have the time or energy to invest time in yourself and find the entire activity rather overwhelming. 

Or mom guilt shows up big time about doing something for yourself instead of spending more time with your family. 

That’s where this blog and the 5 journaling questions come in - to help you make a start in a practical way, that’ll only take you a few minutes each at your own pace - whenever and wherever you want to get started. 

And yes, mom guilt is real. But so is the fact that you deserve good things, to be happy, to not put yourself and your own needs last. You matter.

5 inspiring journaling questions for moms to rediscover your spark and get your mojo back

It’s time to get comfy and to grab something to write. Maybe even get a drink to sip on, put on music you love, and use these 5 minute journal prompts as a starter point to get your mojo back.  

Concentrate on what YOU want - not what it might mean or how you’ll be making it work, or what others might think. Whatever you write down is for you only. Let go of shoulds and others expectations. This is about you.  

Deep belly breaths for a dose of extra calm and focus. 

Here we go:

1.Look back: 

Which past experiences, hobbies, and moments made you feel alive and fulfilled, and how might you want to bring aspects of that back into your life now? 

Why this question? The past can provide clues to what might still resonate with you now. Think about what exactly and why those experiences brought you joy, then see how you can replicate parts of them now.

2. Notice your energy levels: 

Which current activities or topics spark joy in you, make you smile, and let you effortlessly spend time on and still leave you feeling energized? 

Why this question? The answer we’re looking for might be right in front of our eyes. So take a mindful look at what’s already exciting to you and see if it’s something you’d love to do more of. It could be that easy.

3. Envision and dream: 

If you had all the time, energy, money, and resources in the world, and you prioritized getting your mojo and spark back, what would you want to try out, play with, or explore doing?

Why this question? We can get into our head too much at times and instead of generating and following wonderful ideas, we self-sabotage with negative thoughts about practicality, worthiness, limited resources etc. to end up not following any new ideas and playing small. 

This journal prompt for moms is taking away potential obstacles and encourages you to dream.  

4. Seek inspiration: 

What do other moms you admire, role models, peers, friends, family members do that you might want to give a go? What would they recommend you to do? 

Why this question? Sometimes we genuinely are lost on where to start. People around us can inspire us, bring up ideas we didn’t even have on our radar, or might suggest something we hadn’t dared consider for ourselves. 

5. Discover what you value: 

What do you value most in life and how can you incorporate more of that into your life?

Why this question? Our personal values are like glow in the dark stepping stones that guide us through everyday life, they are the foundation we build everything on to live a happier, fulfilled life. 

Next steps to get your mojo back

It’s time to take action, Mama. 

Yes, give yourself permission to get your mojo back, to rediscover your spark, and to pursue happiness for yourself. Once you’ve been through the journaling questions, pick one idea that resonates the most with you, then: 

  • Make a plan and or, if you’re feeling extra creative, a vision board

  • For gentle accountability and cheering on, share your plan or vision board within a mom community, a mom friend, your partner, on social media, or even your kids (‘Mama is gonna try out something fun. I’d love to talk to you about it afterwards. Can you cheer me on/ come along?’). Alternatively, you can also use me for cheering you on and accountability. Simply send me a DM on Instagram. I’d love to be part of your mom support village.

  • Set yourself up for success: 

    • Know how you might want to talk yourself out of it and make plans about how you’ll be sticking to your plan anyway. 

    • Surround yourself with positive role models or read positive stories of moms you admire and who’ve ‘done it’.

  • If you can’t follow through and do the activity right now, schedule it in, simply do it, and have fun.

Ask yourself:

What if it was easier than I thought? What if I’ll really enjoy it? 

Final words of encouragement

Mama, trust your instincts. Give yourself permission to rediscover yourself after motherhood. 

Turn down the volume on the expectations and the ‘shoulds.’ Instead, tune into what truly lights you up. Say yes to your happiness, your future self, and what you truly want because YOU matter.

Take the next step!

Grab your favorite notebook and let these 5 journaling questions guide you back to your spark. 

I’m rooting for you every step of the way, Mama!